Capstone Fire & Safety Management offers a customized wildfire prevention and response program for both personal and commercial lines of property casualty insurance. Our program is scalable and can adjust depending on property volume, geography, dispatch criteria, or Total Insured Value. Our engines and experienced CA State Fire Marshal-certified firefighters remain readily available for dispatch if there is a wildfire threat or activity near your asset(s). The program is nimble to meet the changing environments of extreme weather, drought conditions, or other factors that require us to position our resources in the most advantageous locations for response.
Our goal is to provide client-orientated services that keep saving life and property as our number one priority. We operate in full compliance with local, State and Federal regulations, as well as authorities having jurisdiction, when responding to an incident.
With years of experience in operating emergency response and standby wildfire programs, our teams can respond and adjust to a range of factors affecting wildfire-threatened insured properties. Our Insurance Response programs are customizable with options to include dedicated resources placed in and around PIF (Policies In Force) density to minimize damage and loss.
Program Elements
There are five distinct elements of the Capstone Asset Protection Program (CAPS)
- Wildfire engine crew readiness
- Wildfire activity and threat monitoring, through partnership
- Wildfire prevention and mitigation activities
- Incident response
- Closed loop communication and reporting
We are California AB2380 and
SB901 compliant.
We have strategic partnerships with industry leading companies, some of which include RedZone for property monitoring services, Perimeter Solutions, and FireIce.
Our third-party monitoring service helps to dispatch the assets when emergency notifications meet the pre-determined parameters. They support ongoing analysis, tracking and incident notifications. They help to provide consistent and accurate communication between home office and the field stakeholders. We work closely with their team to include the incident data in the after-action reporting.
Our programs can scale in size based on your asset portfolio in respect to geography and number of properties.

2024 Wildland Fire Season Stats

A single property saved from damage can pay for the entire program!
Clients are likely to renew when they experience individual protection of their homes.