Wildfire season can be a stressful time, especially in regions prone to dry, hot conditions. If you’re looking to protect your property or community, hiring wildfire firefighters might be something you’re considering. Whether you’re a landowner in need of assistance or part of a community preparing for potential fire threats, knowing where to find trained professionals can give you peace of mind. At Capstone Fire, we provide wildfire firefighting services in California. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services!

Here’s how to go about finding the right team of wildfire firefighters near you:

1. Check with Local Fire Departments
Your local fire department should be your first point of contact. Even though most fire departments focus on structure fires, many have connections with wildfire response teams. They can guide you toward resources or provide direct contact with crews specialized in wildfire suppression.

2. Reach Out to State and Federal Agencies
Organizations like the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and CAL FIRE (in California) employ trained wildfire firefighters. These agencies often have directories or can point you toward private companies and contract firefighting services in your area. Their websites usually have lists of accredited wildfire mitigation services.

3. Private Firefighting Companies
Private wildfire firefighting companies have become more common in recent years, especially in areas frequently affected by wildfires. These companies typically employ well-trained professionals with experience in wildfire suppression and prevention. Search online for companies specializing in wildfire protection and check their reviews and credentials to make sure they have a solid reputation.

4. Contact Local Forestry Departments
State forestry departments are often involved in wildfire management and can be a helpful resource. They might have a list of qualified contractors available for hire. Additionally, they may offer fire prevention services, like controlled burns or creating defensible spaces around your property.

5. Ask for Recommendations
Sometimes, word-of-mouth is your best tool. If you’re in a wildfire-prone area, chances are your neighbors or local community groups have had experiences with hiring wildfire firefighters. Ask around, whether through social media groups or local meetups, to get recommendations on trustworthy professionals.

6. Verify Credentials
When hiring anyone for a wildfire-related job, it’s essential to confirm that they have the proper credentials and certifications. Make sure the team or company has been trained in wildfire suppression and knows how to work safely in wildfire environments. Look for certifications like those from the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) or the Incident Qualification Card (Red Card).

7. Prepare in Advance
Fire season can be unpredictable, and waiting until the last minute can lead to limited options. Reach out to firefighting teams early in the year, even before the fire season peaks. Establishing a relationship early with a local crew or company gives you peace of mind when wildfires become a more immediate threat.