Not all support services are created equal. When it comes to turnaround industrial plants, there are certain key aspects that separate the best from the rest. In this blog post, we’ll explore what makes industrial turnaround support services unique and how to ensure you’re getting the most out of your provider. Whether you’re a plant manager, safety manager, or COO, this post will give you insights into what to look for in a top-notch service provider. So let’s dive in!

Defining an industrial turnaround

Industrial turnarounds are often defined as major outages or maintenance shutdowns, where oil and gas companies engage in meticulous planning to inspect, repair, and upgrade the components of their operating facility. During such a process, a wide variety of tasks must be completed; from replacing large parts of the production unit to troubleshooting smaller technical problems, industrial turnarounds provide valuable knowledge and resources that keep oil and gas facilities functioning effectively in the long-term. Ultimately it’s an opportunity to optimize operations rather than simply fixing issues reactively due to breakdowns.

What are the safety risks present during a turnaround

A turnaround is a complex and intensive maintenance event, involving increased staffing and long hours, often over several consecutive days. The increased workload presents safety risks that should be taken seriously by all involved. Extra equipment is also brought in for this event, which can increase the chances of collisions or entanglements. All personnel should remain vigilant and aware of the increased hazards during turnarounds in order to ensure that everyone remains safe and sound.

What additional safety services should you consider during a turnaround

During a turnaround, safety should always be prioritized. To ensure everyone has a safe working environment, it is important to consider additional safety services. This can include standby EMTs who are ready to respond in the event of an emergency within minutes, an independent fire watch team to detect potential sparks and hazardous materials during activities, additional confined space rescue crews for support and standby purposes, a temporary nursing clinic with medical personnel at own standby in case of serious injury or illness, and a professional safety manager with the facility’s best interest in mind. Investing in these additional services can help prevent costly and dangerous situations from occurring.

How to know if you need this type of support

It is not always easy to know if you need the support of a professional confined space rescue team. Unfortunately, not enough of these teams exist, and what coverage is provided may not be sufficient. However, it is important to assess the unique needs and potential risks of a job before deciding if a specialized team should be brought in. When any dangerous situation is not adequately addressed, there can be serious consequences for those involved. When considering whether a professional confined space rescue team is necessary for your project or mission, always err on the side of caution given the importance and value of safety for all parties involved.

Getting started with finding the right provider for your needs

Finding the right provider for your needs can be a daunting experience. It’s important to do some research and find out what kind of experience and certification a provider has before deciding the best choice for you. When it comes to professional response providers, it doesn’t get much better than Rural Metro Fire and Global Medical Response. They provide lifesaving medical services quickly and efficiently, along with decades of experience and expertise in any major emergency situation. You are sure to experience the highest level of customer service available when choosing either Rural Metro or Global Medical Response as your provider.

Prepare for your next turnaround now

Now is the perfect opportunity to be proactive and prepare for your next turnaround. We offer a free consultation session to ensure we are the right fit for you and your organization. All fees will be agreed upon before any work begins, and contract paperwork must be complete. With us, you have assurance that your project will run smoothly and efficiently as all necessary preparation steps are taken care of beforehand.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your next industrial turnaround is as safe and efficient as possible. You’ll know exactly what type of support to look for and how to find the right provider for your needs. And by preparing now, you’ll be one step ahead when it comes time for your next scheduled shutdown. So don’t wait – contact an Account Manager today to get started.